On being a blogger

There’s nothing like seeing your byline in print. Except, maybe, seeing your byline online.

I love being a blogger for the Green Bay Area Moms Blog. It’s a super easy, fast and fun way to share my mom experiences with others in my community and keep me writing almost every day. Plus, it’s amazingly gratifying to know that my words are “out there” during this exceptionally s-l-l-lo-o-o-o-w-w-w-w period in my novel-writing career. But I digress.

Earlier this year, I made a resolution to have more fun in 2017. And I’ve been blogging about it ever since. This week, I wrote about how we moms need to laugh more and not take our lives so seriously. Pretty basic stuff, right? Except it must be very much needed right now, because other editors in the City Mom Blog Network are picking up the story!

This morning I was notified that my blog is running in Anaheim, California, as well as Denver, Colorado. Can I tell you I am BEAMING at the idea of moms across the country giggling at my words?!?

I’m probably years away from seeing my name on the cover of a novel. But this morning, my words and my byline are getting out there and making moms smile. Who could ask for better inspiration than that?