With every new dawn comes the Morning Sun

Sunrise over my neighborhood. The snow in the air made for kind of a winter rainbow!

So once upon a time, I was going along, living my life – not actually unhappy, but certainly not feeling my best. Stress and anxiety were my close counterparts, and I felt “on edge” pretty much all the time.

A beautiful friend re-entered my life and encouraged me to take a close look at what I was saying to myself. It turns out that for many of us – myself absolutely included – our internal dialogue is horrific and mean. We say things to ourselves about ourselves that we would never in a million years say out loud to another person.

This beautiful friend is also a life coach, and with the help of her program and expertise, I started making small changes in my life that added up to big changes. I started to change the way my internal dialogue unfolded, which has been the biggest of all game-changers. What’s exciting is that I’m now starting to see the fruits of those changes.

Last summer, I took the plunge and registered for a yoga teacher training program – something I’ve wanted to do for years. It has been even more amazing and fulfilling than I could have dreamed; I actually get choked up at the end of each class because I love teaching yoga so much.

Yesterday I took another plunge and answered a call for teachers at one of my favorite yoga studios. Would you believe she hired me on the spot?!? It’s unbelievable and exciting and terrifying, and I have absolutely no idea how I’m going to make it all work with my family’s already hectic schedule. But where there is a will, I believe there is a way. So this is happening, and I couldn’t be more thrilled.

The name of the studio is Morning Sun Yoga, which I absolutely love. Because after a lifetime of being a night owl, I’m actually starting to appreciate mornings with all the calm, freshness and opportunities the new dawn presents every day. We’ve had some glorious sunrises lately, which doesn’t hurt, either.

So I’m already moving forward on my life goal of being a kickass yoga teacher. Does this mean published author will follow next?