Hellos and goodbyes (Leg 8)

Can someone please explain to me how it is already the last week of October? I feel like a complete broken record, but holy cow! Time is flyyyyyy-ing by!

The sweet: This week was marked by the joyful arrival of some of our dearest friends from Chicago. Tony’s college buddy, his wife and their two super energetic kids made the 15-hour drive to spend the weekend with us on the beach. As always with this crew, a fantastic time was had by all … even if we did have a few too many late nights, and I couldn’t get a good Cribbage hand to save my life! Our townhouse definitely seems empty and too quiet now that they’ve gone. Hard to say goodbye, that’s for sure.

The sour: It was also much harder than I expected to say goodbye to Tony and Bella, who flew home Tuesday to spend a few days in wintery Wisconsin. Tony is presenting at a real estate networking session this week, and he took Bella along so she can reconnect with some of her high school buds. While I’m happy for her, my overanxious personality does not like this one bit! Our family has not spent one night apart since July, and I’ve grown used to having everyone safely together under the same roof. The number of new COVID cases in our home state is staggering—much greater than South Carolina. And don’t get me started on the number of filthy airports they’re going to have to pass through!! This is my opportunity to let go and let God, right? Phew. Just breathe. Hard to release the reins but it needs to be done! I’ll be heaving one huge sigh of relief when they get back here safely on Friday night; in the meantime, it’s one-on-one time with my sweet Layners!!

My girl — the official lemonade taste-tester on our #2020LemonadeTour

The superb! Another “hello” we’re very thrilled to make is the one welcoming our daughter-in-law Tammy to South Carolina! Though she and Zac had to spend the first 15 months of their marriage in separate states, she’s finally received orders to transfer down here, and we are all over the moon with excitement. God is so good! By this time next week, fingers crossed that I’ll have my family picture of the SIX of us!

The South: If you haven’t been to this area, I strongly recommend planning a visit. It’s not just the fascinating history, amazing seafood and endless options of things to do, people here are just extremely nice folks. Everyone we’ve talked to has been super warm and welcoming—we absolutely feel like they appreciate having us here. It doesn’t hurt that the weather is still gorgeous and beach-worthy while you folks in the Midwest are getting hit with snow already!

It’s no secret that Tony hates the cold winters. In a couple of weeks, we’ll be a bit further south and closer to the Marine Corps base at Parris Island. I would be shocked if Tony doesn’t take a look at some investment properties while we are there. Stay tuned…

I will never get tired of the sunsets here…

Gratitude: I had a moment this morning to stand on my patio, coffee in hand, and watch the birds look for breakfast in the marsh. Such a contrast to how my mornings used to go—racing around the house, hollering at the girls to get moving, constantly checking the clock to confirm that yes, once again, we are running horribly late. How did that become the norm for us? What else was I doing that made me so busy, so stressed all the time? We are the same people, the same family with the same needs as before. We still have work and school and laundry and dishes and trips to the grocery store. So why do I feel like I’m finally able to fully exhale after decades of holding my breath?

A wise and lovely friend of mine made an insightful comment on my last post. In talking about a journey that expands the soul, she said: “You may come back to a familiar place, but not as the same person within.” I couldn’t possibly agree more. (Thank you, Hlee!) There are pieces of this journey that I will bring back to Wisconsin with me, but perhaps none as important as the appreciation for a simpler life at a slower pace.

No makeup, beach hair, barefoot in the sand, standing next to the love of my life. This is what I want forever.

Peace and love to you all. I pray this finds you healthy and safe! Please keep in touch and tell us in the comments how you are doing. We miss everyone!

5 thoughts on “Hellos and goodbyes (Leg 8)

  1. I knew you as a two year old, Laura, and through your insightful writing, I feel like I’m becoming reacquainted. I look forward to reading of your journey each week. Your family is blessed to have this special time.

  2. I somehow missed this update! We are happy that Tony and Bella had a safe journey back to this chilly state. Continued prayers for y’all as you travel along the coast! Love Karen and Dad

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